ELDOA™ in english LOADS (Longitudinal Osteo-Articular Decoaptation Stretches) is a restorative corrective exercise technique for the spine created in France by Dr. Guy VOYER DO. It Is a precise and still posture that provides relief from pain and restores balance.
The goal of each ELDOA™ exercise is to create fascial tension above and below the joint or disc that we want to “open up”. When you decompress you make space in the line of gravity. ELDOA™ is a kinetic contraction in extreme range, a contraction with the maximum length of the muscles.
The benefits are direct:
- Reduced vertebral compression
- Improved circulation
- Spinal disc re-hydration
- Increased muscle tone and awareness
And also indirect:
The body is not only muscles, joints and ligaments but also glands and internal organs which are connected to the spine through nerves, fascia and more. An emotional state can reflect a postural problem, and it’s easier to manage an emotional state if you work in a correct posture.
Since, every function in our body relies on nervous system impulses from our spine, its most important to actively preserve and restore the condition of the spine in order to achieve and maintain optimal health